Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A question for bio-physicists

As water weighs about 1kg per litre, how much does my weight increase if I drink 3 litres a day?

If I expel about 750ml, how much does my weight go down?

If, over the last 3 days, I've drunk 9 litres of water and expelled 3; why has my weight dropped by over a kilo?

Is simple perspiration the answer? Seems like a lot of sweat!


Monday, June 28, 2010

Monday 28th June - Day 8 (Week 2): Cruise phase begins

On the scales this morning: 13 stone 10 and a quarter pounds. Delta from yesterday: -0.5 pounds. Total weight loss to date: 12 pounds.
I'm not sure I got yesterday's weight right. On reflection I think I was a little low in my recollection. However, the record is what it is. If I was right then the weight gain is due to being out, eating pre-roasted chicken (which probably had added sugar), and the phenomenal amount of water I drank in the heat yesterday.

However, 12 pounds in a week is perfectly fine by me, and plenty to go with heading into the cruise phase.

For those that don't know the Dukan diet, the philosophy is based around protein, and for the initial attack phase consists of nothing else (apart from the obligatory oat bran that is now with me for ever). This phase lasts up to a week, and the transitions to cruise.

In the cruise phase I carry on eating the same protein rich diet, but 50% of the time I can supplement that diet with selected vegetables. The veg should be raw if possible, excludes potatoes, and is easy on carrots and beetroot.

What this does is open the menu up some, and allow for a bit of variation.

I stick with this until all the weight I want to lose is gone. I expect this to take 4 to 5 months. Weight loss is slower in cruise, with an expectation of around 3 pounds a week initially, decreasing to 2 pounds a week as you get lighter.

With the re-introduction of veg, I will be restarting my sessions at the gym too. This should help with fat loss, and obviously help with muscle definition and overall well-being.

As I said last week, update like this would get pretty boring if I kept them frequently, so the next report will be next Monday.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday 27th June - Day 7

On the scales this morning: 13 Stone 9 and three quarter pounds. Delta from yesterday: 3 pounds. Total weight loss to date: 11 and a half pounds.

Short one today as we're busy getting ready to go out. Today the diet faces it's toughest test, 2 meals away from control! I take heart from the yesterday, I was asked to hold and look after a cupcake for an extended period of time yesterday and I didn't want to eat it!

Also, I haven't had a drink of coke for over 2 weeks now. Water really is an acceptable substitute!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Saturday 26th June - Day 6

On the scales this morning: 13 stone 13 and three quarter pounds. Delta from yesterday: 1 and a half pounds. Total weight loss to date: 8 and a half pounds.

I've broken 14 stone. Also, at some point I've gone from obese to just overweight. Next stop, perfect weight!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday 25th June - Day 5

On the scales this morning: 14 Stone 1 and a quarter pounds. Delta from yesterday: 0 pounds. Total weight loss to date: 7 pounds.

I've stagnated! No idea why. I shall stick to it and plow on regardless. I suppose all the waste water in my system has been flushed and fat loss didn't do much yesterday.

Without being too graphic about it, there was no waste removal yesterday so that may have had an effect. Onwards, ever onwards. Oat bran, egg, and cold chicken await...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thursday 24th June - Day 4

On the scales this morning: 14 Stones 1 and a quarter pounds. Delta from yesterday: 1.5 pounds. Total weight loss to date: 7 pounds.

That's half a stone! In 3 days! Woo, and indeed, Hoo!

For some reason my first goal is 13 stone 8. I have no idea why, it's just in my head. Be there soon.

Yesterday wasn't too bad. I had fish sticks and chicken for lunch instead of prawns. Big mistake! Fish sticks are evil. They will not be consumed again.

I had the journey from hell home last night. Absolutely crammed train. You couldn't have got another person on. And it was hot. Especially when the train stopped. Which it did. A lot. However, at the end of it I didn't crave anything other than a cold drink. Water sufficed.

What I did want was something hot to eat. I hadn't had a hot meal since Sunday as I'd pre-cooked all my food, so I popped into the supermarket on the way home and got some ultra lean burgers. They were very nice (as ultra lean burgers go), and certainly helped on the hot food front.

I've decided that once the "attack phase" is over (this weekend) I'll cut these reports down to a once a week recap. Looking at my blog hits I can see that interest is waning, so I'll limit the annoyance.

Working from home today (tube issues), so the food situation should be simple. In fact I think I'll go and get that hideous oat bran out the way early...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wednesday 23rd June - Day 3

On the scales this morning: 14 stone 2 and three quarter pounds. Delta from yesterday: 2 and a half pounds. Total weight loss to date: 5 and a half pounds.

Another fine day, and I managed to make oat bran edible by adding it to creme fraiche and no fat vanilla yogurt. Edible, not nice!

It was hot yesterday, and by the time I got home I was craving a nice cold drink. Water really didn't cut it! Sugar free chewing gum helped a bit, but it was still there.

My daughter didn't go up to bed very well, so her bedtime treat (a couple of sweets before teeth cleaning) was cancelled. My wife brought some up anyway (soft touch :-) ), but I stood firm and said no. So my wife passed me 2 gummy bears to take back downstairs. That was hard. By the time I left them in the kitchen and walked out, I was shaking. I want gummy!

Onwards to today. As this moves on I hope the weight loss offsets the boredom of samey foods and water. No problems yet, but I'm on this for about 4 months!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tuesday 22nd June - Day 2

This morning, on the scales: 14 stone 5 and a quarter pounds. Delta from yesterday: 3 pounds. Total change to date: 3 pounds.

Yesterday was fairly easy; I had a hard boiled egg and some cooked chicken that I took to work along with some prawns I bought from the supermarket. In the evening I had oat bran with fromage frais, some more prawns; and later, a fat free yogurt (which tasted horrible! Why did I buy 8 of the things!?)

The one shock was how thirsty I was. The diet requires 1.5 to 2 litres a day, I had about 3.5 and was still a little thirsty.

Today may be tough. Unrelated to the diet I was awake for 2 hours in the night (aren't daughters great!), so my need for caffeinated beverages is quite high. Water is an acceptable substitute right? Thankfully I haven't had any fizzy drinks or sugar filled chocolate bars for over a week and a half, so the cravings should be controllable.

Apparently the first three days are the hardest. So I'll be two thirds of the way through that by the end of today.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday 21st June - Day 1: The Diet Begins!

Hi, I'm Steve, and I'm fat. However, rather than sit around in a self help group complaining about my need for chocolate, my "big bones", and the only flesh creating virus ever discovered; I'm going on a diet.

The diet I'm following is the Dukan diet. We can talk about the validity of the diet, and any possible health concerns later.

The diet is in four phases, based around protein. The first phase is the attack phase, and lasts 5 to 7 days. During this phase I can eat no carbohydrates, and no fat. Only protein. So today I'm eating hard boiled eggs, chicken, and prawns. This will be the pattern for the next week or so.

After this phase comes the cruise phase which adds 28 vegetables, and lasts until I've lost all the weight I want to lose.

Next is a consolidation phase adding more foods, and lasting 5 days for every pound lost.

Finally, are some basic rules for the rest of my life (!) including "protein Thursday"

So, how fat am I? Well, the scales said 14 stone 8 and a quarter this morning. Where do I want to be? Somewhere around 10 stone 6!

Expect regular reports!

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