Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday 27th September - Day 98 (Week 16)

On the scales this morning: 11 stone 6 pounds. Delta from last week: 1 pounds. Total weight loss to date: 43 and three quarter pounds.

Quick one this week, just to say that the weight loss should have been better, but my daughter was up most of Saturday night being ill, my wife and I were knackered, and carb free food just won't do it when you are so tired you're shivering! A full loaf of bread and some chicken soup later, the week's efforts were shot back a few steps!

Hoping to get out for a run later today to offset things a bit!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday 20th September -Day 91 (Week 15)

On the scales this morning: 11 stone 7 pounds. Delta from last time: 1 and a quarter pounds. Total weight loss to date: 42 and three quarter pounds.

Obviously I missed a week. This time last week we were in France, and I was on my way to 11 st 11.75 lb! We returned on Wednesday, and I've stuck to mainly protein and water since. The excess has gone, and the trend is still in the right direction.

I can now say that I've lost over 3 stone. I actually hit that milestone before we went on holiday, but it was quickly reversed by a diet of French bread, wine, and sweet treats. Now I'm back on the wagon, and looking towards a 10 at the start of my weight. Another 2 or 3 weeks should do it.

Now, onwards. I think I'll have chicken for lunch. For a change.

Monday, September 06, 2010

Monday 6th September - Day 77 (Week 13)

On the scales this morning: 11 stone 8 and three quarter pounds. Delta from last week: 3 pounds. Total weight loss to date: 41 and half pounds.

Another interesting week weight loss wise. As my daily chart shows my weight was fairly static through to Saturday morning, and then dropped on Sunday and today. This seems to be the pattern at the minute. A couple of big drops a week, and very little movement the rest of the time. I haven't been able to correlate the drops with any cause, although the large drops from Sunday to Monday are probably down to exercise as I run 6.3 miles on a Sunday evening.

However, the point worth noting here is that I've been on the Dukan diet for 77 days, I've lost (almost) 3 stone, I've had no ill effects, the weight loss has been consistent and maintained; and, generally, the whole things has been very easy.

I have 19.75 lbs to lose to hit my target weight of 10 st 3 lb, and at a rate of 3 lb a week I should manage that in 7 weeks. However, my chart and experience shows peaks and troughs so it'll probably take a little longer. 7 weeks would take me to the 25th of October, and the goal was to hit my target weight by the 19th November. Plenty of give in the plan then! Which is just as well....

We're off on a short holiday next week which means foreign food, relaxed attitude, and many temptations. I intend to be well behaved but not too strict about food. There's no point doing these things if you don't have fun once in a while!

The break does mean that next week's post may be delayed or cancelled, internet connection and accurate scales depending.

Top Tracks of 2012

Well, it's that time of year. Once again I can abuse my html knowledge and shove a few YouTube videos into a blog post to illustrate wha...