Monday, June 01, 2009

A new start?

1st June. The start of the month with the middle of the year in it. (21st is the middle. It's not my fault we insist on putting an extra 10 days on the end of the year!)

So, what to blog about?

Trains are running well. (Bet you're glad to know that)

I'm tired, but no more than is customary for a Monday.

Weekend was fun. Shopping and jobs on Saturday. Swimming, jobs, bbq, jobs on Sunday.

We're trying to move my daughter from a cot (bed) to a (cot) bed. As a backup (for when she continues to get out of bed and come and see us) we have her travel cot setup too. To date, she has preferred the travel cot. The key point came the other night. Apparently, big girls sleep in beds, and my daughter is a little girl.

You cannot imagine how cute that was!

Yesterday I set the cot part back up on three sides. High back and bottom, tall side near the wall, but with the lowered side and fall protector still setup for easy access. A good compromise we thought. An easy transition stage. Nope.

When given the option, she chose the cot over the bed. Guess it's just too soon. We still have a couple of ideas, but I think the cot will be back up by the weekend.


Got about a third of the garage sorted. A full car load to the tip and a huge box filled with chopped wood. I need one more large box to finish the wood off (and then we need to burn it!) The rest of the garage will follow as space is freed, and bags are sorted. Still leaves the shed needing a tidy out, but progress was defintely made.

I'm off, sans family, on Friday to Oslo for a friend's wedding. It's an early start with a return on Saturday, but I'm looking forward to it. A chance to catch up with old friends. Should be good.

Journey note: I'm beginning to melt.

Sorted all the holiday photos out last night. I'll get the best to picasa as soon as I can. I now have 10 hours of video to upload, edit, and print. Where do I find that time? I can't even get the simple paperwork filed from week to week! Oh well, one day.

Too hot now. Time to go. Hope for fresh air!

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