Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Writing from the trenches

Ast night, for reasons that escape me, my phone stopped working. One minute I'm on the jubilee line playing a puzzle game, the next, literally, I'm on the bakerloo, and the screen isn't displaying anything. A few reboots, and reseats of the SIM card, and I conclude it's stuffed.

So, today, my SIM is in my old blackberry which is only allowing calls and texts, and I'm writing this on my work blackberry. With a keyboard I hate.

I'll be heading to the nearest t-mobile store this lunch time to get myself a replacement, so, hopefully, normal service will resume tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to having to re-install all my apps, and then configure them. At least I'm with google, so all my mails, contacts, and clendar appointments are safe. I think the only thing I'll lose is my notes, and I've got most of them backed up. In total, I'll lose time, and possibly a couple of present ideas for my wife. Could be worse.

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