Tuesday, July 01, 2008

What's up?

So, here I am, Tuesday morning, up with the alarm (no snooze button this morning!), feeling pretty chipper. On my way to work, rammed into a train, looking out the window at a gorgeous day in the making.

Had a reasonable kip last night. Not long enough, but deep. Feeling reasonably refreshed.

To make up for yesterday (and Friday), here's a bit of an update.

Thursday night was a celebration for the go-live of a work project. The first part of the evening was in a bar with a couple of workmates, and was a good laugh. The second part was the party, and the food was good. I left at 21:30, and got home at 23:30.

A little tired on Friday, but none the worse for wear, the day passed uneventfully enough, and the weekend was upon us.

I decided to sleep in the back room Friday and Saturday to try and give my wife some decent sleep to help her catch up, so I was awake quite early Saturday. Read for a while before getting little one up and sorting her and a few jobs downstairs out. Off then for a haircut, almost 2 hours of my life wasted waiting for a slot as staff kept taking breaks leaving, essentially, one person to deal with the 8 people ahead of me.

With that ordeal over, there was a quick shopping trip, then the rest of the day was spent sanding trellis. A fun passtime.

Sunday was more of the same, but by the end of the day my wife and I had sanded and stained all of the framework and 2 of the 3 trellis inserts. This leaves us with a couple of hours work needed this weekend to get the final insert done, and we'll be finished!

Yesterday we both hurt!

During all of this there has been plenty of little one time. She's wandering around like a good 'un. Last night she opened one of her books and, pointing, said "Elephant". She was right, it was.

So that's about all at the moment. I feel there is a rant in me somewhere, but it can't formulate itself just yet, so something to look forward to there.

Off now to enjoy the sight of the beautiful weather from my sealed office building. Joy.


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