Me, Steve, spouting off about stuff that interests me. Probably techie, but not necessarily. Linux and google are a favourite, but life and general weirdness can be expected too.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
My 6 monthly health appraisal, and why the weight loss phase of the diet is now officially finished
So I had my 6 month health appraisal at the gym today. 6 Months ago I was borderline obese, unfit, unhealthy, and fairly sedentary.
Today, I'm a bit better! I haven't got the results from last time, but here are some highlights from today:
Blood pressure: 135 / 68
BMI (Which is a waste of time, see below): 24.5
Waist to Hip ratio: 0.86 (0.90 or below is the expected norm for a male)
Aerobic Fitness Predictive VO2: 50ml/kg/min (Good apparently)
Total Body fat: 10.2% (Average for a male my age is 13 - 19%) I'm classed as "Very Lean" (downside, I'll get physically cold easier)
Fat Weight: 7.1Kgs (Average 10-14Kgs)
Lean Weight: 62.3Kgs (Average 61-65Kgs) (i.e. perfect :-) )
Total Weight: 69.4Kgs (Average 72-77Kgs)
Water: 67.1% (Average 55-65%) (I'm well hydrated) (Stop worrying honey :-) )
Total Body Water: 46.6L (Average 38-45L)
So there it is, I'm slightly under weight for the average (although I'm not "underweight"), with an excellent ratio of fat/lean/water.
All this shows, once again, how useless BMI is as an indicator. If I was to get my BMI to 21 (The centre of "Normal") I'd be massively underweight with almost no body fat, and probably de-hydrated!
The diet officially ended last Friday. I haven't put on, or lost any weight since then (I haven't tried), but today has shown me that it really is over. My body is now where it wants to be, any further loss would start to impact my physical being in ways that would be detrimental.
It's now all about watching what I eat, not letting things get out of control, and keeping on top of my general fitness. I'll update this blog from time to time to let you know how I'm doing, and of course you can follow me on Twitter to get an idea of what I'm up to.
The Dukan diet has, so far, been great for me. The results are fantastic, I'm a new man!
Friday, November 19, 2010
The #dukan diet and me
Monday, November 15, 2010
Monday 15th November - Day 148 (Week 22)
On the scales this morning*: 10 stone 13 pounds. Delta from last week: 2 and three quarter pounds. Total weight loss to date: 51 and a quarter pounds.
*not strictly accurate. We're staying at the in-laws, and the scales are not the usual ones. I did a run yesterday, and at the end of it I weighed 10 st 13 lb; however, since then I've eaten (Dukan friendly) bolognaise, a pot roast (with multiple Dukan unfriendly potatoes), and a (decidedly Dukan unfriendly) apple crumble! The chances of my weight being the same as after a run are 0, but the numbers are what the numbers are.
All that aside; the week has gone well, focus is returning, and it was very nice to see 10 stone on the scales again.
We're off to Brighton for the night tonight, and I will, no doubt, have a "nice" breakfast tomorrow, but the focus remains. (honest!)
Monday, November 08, 2010
Monday 8th November - Day 141 (Week 21)
On the scales this morning: 11 stone 1 and three quarter pounds. Delta from last week: 0 pounds. Total weight loss to date: 48 and a half pounds.
It's almost over I think. There'll be one final push, but I'm struggling to move any more weight. 5 of the last 7 days have seen me at 11 st 1.75 lb, and straight eating or exercise keep me there.
Taking stock, I'm a 32 inch waist, a 36 inch chest. This is where I wanted to be. A little more weight loss would be nice (10 st 8 lb would be great) but it's only a safety blanket. 11 st 7 lb is where my trousers feel a little tight, and I haven't been there for weeks.
Pushing on regardless, but no longer worrying too much.
Monday, November 01, 2010
Monday 1st November - Day 134 (Week 20)
On the scales this morning: 11 stone 1 and three quarter pounds. Delta from last week: minus 1 and a half pounds. Total weight loss to date: 48 and a half pounds.
Hallowe'en did me no favours!
I take heart from the fact that before the festivities yesterday I weighed 10 st 12.25 lbs.
Tiger than that, cakes, sausages, chips, bread buns, cider, etc. They're all BAD!
Hoping I'm strong enough to clean up and reverse the damage this week.
One other point, the weight gain this week happened despite running 4 times, amassing a distance of 25 miles, and running 6 and a bit miles Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!
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