"The next train on platform 2 is formed of 8 carriages" announced the tannoy. "Fair enough" thought Steve as he strolled towards the opposite end of the platform 200 metres away. "The train now approaching platform 2..." Has only 4 carriages and has stopped 100 metres away. "Bugger" thought Steve as he hurried to the train.
A few minutes later the carriage was crammed as everyone from the final stop decided to get on at the same door, the easy door, the door that didn't involve any walking; even though they could get on quicker and have more space if they just walked 6 metres to the next door. Steve silently despaired and went back to reading the news and nightly e-mails.
In less than 5 minutes the train arrived at it's final destination and disgorged it's contents. Steve, due to superior positioning and readiness, was first off and away. Avoiding the crush behind him he made his way to the stairs, and over to the main platforms awaiting the fast trains to London. There would be 2 to choose from, however, Steve knew from previous scouting missions that only the 07:18 would have a buffet car. He awaited its arrival on platform 8.
Presently the leviathan arrived. Growling and straining the beast pulled up to the platform and opened it's doors. A few passengers disembarked, a large number entered. Steve knew the route well, and made his way to his familiar spot at the end of the serving bench. Settling in, he removed his glasses and engaged his blackberry. The last 12 hours of news and views around the world were viewed and processed. A few points were clarified with searches on the internet, but, in general, the next 27 minutes passed quickly and uneventfully.
In, what appeared to be, a short time the high speed train came to a halt at the terminus. Hundreds of people made their move to the exit. Steve, amongst 20 others exited the first class carriage near the front of the train and made his way to the ticket gates.
As he approached he removed his ticket wallet from his jacket and prepared to present it's contents to the inspector. A mere formality, Steve was waived through and, returning the ticket to his pocket, made his way across the concourse to the steps into the underground.
Having passed through the next checkpoint and made his way through a myriad of twisting passageways and lengthy elevators he came to his preferred spot on the platform. A few seconds later the tube train arrived, Steve entered, took up his usual spot at the opposite doors, removed his blackberry, and started to compose a blog entry...
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