Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday morning, and away we go!

Another week begins. For once I don't feel too bad. Twice this weekend we managed to sleep until 09:30. Three times this weekend we turned the lights off just before midnight. We seem to have lost the ability to go to bed at a reasonable hour. Thankfully, babe is understanding and let's us sleep in.

I'm still waking in the early hours of the morning with problems breathing. Nothing too worrying, but enough to rouse me. This morning it was 05:00, which is, at least, an hour later than usual. I sorted myself out, and went back to sleep. I woke at the normal time feeling quite good. Makes a change.

As I'm under orders not to blog about my journey, I won't complain about the shambles that is public transport this morning. Suffice to say I'm on a bus. It's that bad.

I was going to blog about stuff this morning, but my mind is rather distracted, so I'll leave it there. I'll think about an update later.


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