Me, Steve, spouting off about stuff that interests me. Probably techie, but not necessarily. Linux and google are a favourite, but life and general weirdness can be expected too.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Next train now, and slightly cooler. Much condensation though.
We've now stopped. Apparently, someone is leaning on the doors. We've been here 2 minutes, so I find that hard to believe now. What we have is a broken train. Fun.
Anyway. I've been taking mouthwash for a tiny ulcer on my tounge, the side effect of which is making all my food taste horrible. The taste receptors at the front of my mouth don't seem to work correctly for the majority of the day after using the stuff first thing. I'm on day 4 now, and the effect is slightly lessened this morning, but still definitely there. I drank a strawberry, raspberry, apple and banana smoothie yesterday, and it tasted bizarre. Not horrible per se, just wierd. Chicken chilli soup at lunch was another interesting experience. Thankfully the effect seems to wear off by the evening, so I'll be back to normal on Saturday having had a week of wierdness.
Train update, we started moving after 5 minutes. No explanation, and no further problems. Yet.
Today is interesting. For the first time in a long time I only have one meeting. And, that meeting is only 30 minutes. There is a serious danger of me getting some work done!
Time to get to it.
Monday, September 29, 2008
This morning
Busy weekend. Planted a large number of bulbs. Managed to do a run. Spent 4 hours on Saturday doing my day job due to "urgent requirements".
Busy day today, but only with the boring stuff.
It's amazing the size of pushchairs / prams / travel systems these days given the size of the occupants!
And on that random thought. Au revoir.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Time is against me
The weekend approaches. I have one interview (currently) between it and me. By the time I get there I will have done 16 interviews this week. My team will have done a further 18. We've been busy! Hopefully, at the end of all this, I'll have filled all the positions I have available, and we can set about becoming a team (again).
I got to hold a blackberry bold yesterday, although it was just one of those mockups, not a real phone. It felt nice. Different to mine, but not too different. The beginning of December is phone d-day. Hopefully the Thunder / Storm will be around in the country for comparison. I'll take a look at the G1, but as it doesn't have the exchange integration I need, and I haven't read mention of OTA calendar integration it's not looking like a big draw at the minute.
Lots of stuff to do this weekend. Less housework than expected thanks to the wonderfullness of my wife. Plenty in the garden though, and finding the available time (without little interruptions) is difficult.
First week back almost over. Tired, but not as tired as I was Wednesday. Hopefully next week will be a bit easier. Off to today now. Hometime awaits!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Taking the long way home
I subscribe to a number of feeds to give me travel information on the lines I use. If I get these quick enough I can re-route before becoming snarled up in the mess. I got one such message on my journey tonight.
Title: [Very Severe] First Great Western, Burnham - diverted
Service suspended between London Paddington and Reading due to person hit by a train at Burnham. London Underground are accepting tickets for reasonable routes
"Oh dear", I thought. However, I got this soon enough to get off at Waterloo and re-route.
Now, the problem with these alerts is that there is no time stamp on them. The BBC produce the feed from a constantly updated web page, and doesn't always mark the end of the problem with a cleared message (or if it does, my blackberry misses it as it only checks once an hours). So as soon as I got into the open I logged into some web sites and started to check.
Turns out the problem was cleared hours ago. However, it took me so long to find out that I was in danger of missing my connection at Paddington if I embarked on that route again. So I find myself on a slow train from Waterloo. The main problem with this is that this slow train doesn't stop at my station. No, it becomes fast at just that point! So I'll have to change. Of course, the first time they announce this fact is after the doors have closed and it's too late to do something about it!
All I want to do is go home. I thought technology was meant to work FOR me.
Logic problem
The things that amuse me on the underground. I spent three and a half minutes puzzling that one out on the bakerloo this morning. Passes the time.
As expected I got home at 20:30 last night. I was in bed for 21:00 and asleep by half past! Too much.
Only(!) 4 interviews today, and I actually have some gaps in my day.
Around me today are 4 paper readers, 2 music players, 1 reading a book, and 1 feigning sleep. No interest. Although we just hit Waterloo, so it's getting a little cosier. (Although, not by much today). Still no one interesting.
So, topical; why did Ruth Kelly leave the cabinet? Are we really supposed to believe it was to spend time with her family? If that was the case, why then, in that place, at that time, overshadowing all that had gone before it. Making it that much more difficult for Brown to pick up the pieces and move on. Cal me cynical, but I don't buy it. We haven't heard the last of Ruth Kelly.
Right, off to it again. Another day, another set of meetings.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Life? Don't talk to me about life.
Ok, whinge over. Not that it matters. My viewing figures hit 0 while I went on holiday, and haven't shown any sign of perking back up to the heady heights of 6 again. Of course, you RSS people don't count in that. You'll be back thanks to the wonders of syndicated content.
Right, knackered now and at a loss for things to write. I know I still haven't done the whole holiday post thing, but really, would you be interested? We cycled around, did some paddling, enjoyed some meals, and visited Yorkshire. In the main, we spent our time in play areas, and generally relaxed. Not the most stimulating story. I feel I should write something a bit more intellectual (there's a first time for everything).
How about all these people surrounding me? Studiously ignoring me and everyone else. Each lost in their own world. The guy beside me doing sudoku badly. He really is slow, can't seem to see the basics in front of him. Took 3 minutes to even get started, and he's doing the easy one. I wonder what his job is. Or the Japanese guy, in a suit, you just got off with his son in a push chair. At rush hour. On a jammed tube. I realise there will be a good reason behind it, but I wouldn't want to do it!
No music players this morning. Plenty of people trying to read their paper, and practicing advanced level origami to do so. Then there's the woman who just jumped all the queue at London Bridge, and pushed on beside me. Her hair is in my eye, and I'm having to type one handed as my other one can't move (and is going numb).
That's it then; I can't see, I can hardly type, and, thankfully, I'm nearly there!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sports massage
I'm not knocking the results, but the execution is agony. 20 minutes per leg of pushing and stretching and working my muscles into positions they really don't want to be (even if that's where they're meant to be). Thankfully, it doesn't hurt much once she's finished, and not at all the next day.
So, that's what I did yesterday evening. It's the last session though. In 2 weeks I check back with the osteo, and see if all this pain has made any difference.
Feeling a little down at the mo. Back in work yesterday after 2 weeks off, and it was a bit of a shock. So much to do, so many 'emergencies' taking up time and effort. A bit daunting. At home, our little one is playing up. Refusing to have naps, messing around at bed time, but tired too, and therefore even more of a handful. I know my poor wife is struggling. With all the housework, jobs to do, and other pressures, it's all getting a bit much. I think I have most of it in hand, and it's just a case of working through things until it becomes manageable again.
Ok, whine over. Another long day awaits. I have meetings from 9 to 1 and 2 to 4 30! Fun.
Monday, September 22, 2008
The coalface
Holidays with toddlers do not lend themselves to blogging.
Holidays with toddlers are not holidays per se, they are a change from the norm. This is not to say that it wasn't fun, nor relaxing; but for those without kids, it wasn't like a holiday as you'd think of it.
Holidays generate washing. Lots of washing. (It's all done and sorted now though. Woo!)
A two week break from blogging doesn't immediately fill you with ideas to blog on. Although, in my case, that probably has more to do with the time of day and the disruption of sleep patterns.
So, need to focus. Notes to self:
Write something about the holiday
Stop yawning
Remember to book some more time off in the future so you've got something to look forward to
Really, stop yawning
Right then. Today should be interesting...
Friday, September 05, 2008
At least, once it's over, I'm on holiday for 2 weeks. I know, I know, I've been very quiet about this. I'm actually looking forward to it. And, once we get to Monday and I've finished driving and started relaxing, I'm going to use the opportunity to stop drinking coke again. For a while.
The host (read coffee fetcher) on the train this morning would not shut up. He kept coming over to the 2 people on my left and starting conversations. Even when they were already talking to each other he waited a bit and then started to talk about how he'd be in the end of the monsoon season in a couple of weeks! I don't know, people who use any excuse to talk about their upcoming holiday! Whatever next?
I'm off now to a breakfast meeting with one of my staff to try and prepare her for the coming fortnight. I feel sorry for them. They're all quite new, and relatively inexperienced (at the way the organisation works, and who to talk to); I feel like I'm leaving them to the wolves. Oh well, 10 working days and I'll be back. They'll cope.
Little on had me up at 05:25 this morning. She had, once again, got her foot stuck through the bars of her cage er cot. I extricated the foot, straightened her out, and covered her with the duvet. She was instantly asleep. Minx. I got up less then an hour later. She was still fast asleep.
On the geek front, my admin page is up and running. I have full system and network monitoring of both my main boxes, with performance dashboards available from one place, and only accessible from my internal network. I'm happy, but now need something else to tinker with.
That's probably it. Can't think of much more worth writing (yes, that means I thought all that lot you've just skipped through was worth writing). Expect a bit more sporadic posting over the next couple of weeks (did I mention I'm on holiday?), but I'll try and get a couple of updates in (I've even been promised some guest posting from the wife after her fantastic debut the other evening). I know you'll all be sitting there, hitting refresh every few seconds, just waiting for that next nugget of finely crafted prose. I'll try not to keep you waiting too long.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Tough one
I know meetings are a boring topic, but bear with me. Why did I have no real meetings at the beginning of the week, a normal amount at the middle, and then 2 days of practically no gaps for the end of the week? Is there a conspiracy to send me on holiday as dead as possible? I even have one tomorrow at 08:00. I'm going to have to get up at 05:53 to make it! Then they put a meeting at the other end of the day so I can't even go home early! Grrr.
Did I mention I was going on holiday by the way? I did? Really? Oh, ok. For 2 weeks? Ok, I'll shut up. Tomorrow. :p
Can't think of much else, and I'm now so crammed in I can hardly type. So, until tomorrow...
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Ok, so really. Erm. It's Wednesday. Hump day. Not much news on a Wednesday. The weekend is but a distant memory, and the coming one a long way off. Even if this one does signify the start of my holiday. I did mention my holiday, right? Thought so.
I've spent bits (odd minutes whilst waiting for things to run) of the last few days being geeky. I now have my systems reporting system metrics into my central box for collation. My main systems are running network analysis applications monitoring my traffic. And a seperate app is monitoring network header info to track my internet usage. I've also locked down my web server to deny outside access to some of these things. Now all I need is a simple page to access all these apps from. Shouldn't take long.
Being geeky aside, there's not much else going on. Little one decided 04:16 was the right time to get up and demand a drink, but she settled twenty minutes later, and whilst she murmured a few times during the rest of the morning, she was still out when I went to work.
The site was hit by 86 visitors the other day. Appears that my R.E.M. set list was quite popular. 45 visitors the day after. I'm guessing I'll be back down to 4-6 pretty soon. Be nice if 1 or 2 stayed though.
Those voting buttons seem to be next to useless. I know for certain that they aren't counting every click. Some don't seem to be counting ANY click! I'll take a look and see if I can work out where it might have gone wrong. At least I can say it's not my code.
Right, time to get to it. Fun fun fun right?
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
It was a dark and stormy night...
Yesterday, I actually got some work done. I only had 2 meetings. Today I only have 1, the work possibilities are almost endless. The rest of the week falls back into a more regular pattern.
As predicted, the chancellor's announcement of doom and gloom has become a self-fulfilling prophecy with the pound hitting an all time low against the euro, increasing foreign costs and imports even more and ensuring that any interest rate cuts (not that there would have been any this year) are now even more unlikely as inflation is likely to go even higher. The man's a muppet.
I failed dismally to get out the house on time today. I put it down to working too hard. Honest. The rest of the week has some early meetings, and therefore a bit more pressure. Then I'm on holiday. Don't know if I've already mentioned this ;) I'm on holiday for the next 2 weeks. I'm looking forward to it. Can you tell yet?
Which segues nicely into comments. No one ever does. I know there are 5 people reading this through google reader, and a further 4 to 6 who regularly come to the site, but not one of you leaves me a single message. :'( How am I supposed to steer my content if I have no guidlines? To aid you I have added the reactions feature under each post. If you visit the site just click funny (yeah, right), interesting (you'll be lucky), cool (not even warm), or boring (open to some abuse I think). I'm not sure how well it works, when I looked at it the numbers in brackets weren't showing properly, and the border for the last box seemed to be chopped off, but see how you go. It's a beta feature so it can only get better. If you want other boxes you'll have to (shock, horror) leave me a comment!
Get clicking!
Monday, September 01, 2008
Monday, September 1st 2008
The weather this morning was a perfect Autumn day; crisp, clear, but with a bite in the air. Perfect walking weather if only I didn't have to go to work.
Even the trees seem to have got the message. There was a prevalence of brown, gold and red showing through the canopy as we passed on the train this morning.
We're in the final week before schools are back, so the tube isn't too bad this morning, and as I'm on holiday myself for 2 weeks after this one, it'll be some time before I'm crammed into a standard commute again. Then it'll be Christmas!
Now there's a scary thought, it's not really that long to the end of December, and in that time I've got a stag do to finish organising, and attend, 2 weddings to go to, visits from my Brother, and my parents, and that's just what I can think of off the top of my head!
The weekend was good. I've already written about the concert; we had my Mother-in-law over to look after the little one, and on Sunday morning, she got up, shut our door (we always sleep with the door slightly ajar so we can hear any squeaks), and sorted out little one so we could get more sleep. We got up at 10:30! Our first lie-in in at least 20 months!
The rest of yesterday was taken up with huge cookfests, shredding of paperwork, and filing / sorting other paperwork. The study is now a haven of calm and order, and the to-do pile doesn't need industrial support to stay upright.
That's about it I guess. I feel I should write about something topical, but the only thing that comes to mind is the stupidity of our Chancellor, and the sorry state of the housing market / economy as a result of his dithering and daft comments. I mean, if there is talk of removing stamp duty, come out and either do it, or state, categorically, that it isn't happening. Don't sit on it for a week and then release a dithering statement about options, and plans. The economy is based on perception. There are a few factors like oil and food prices that have an effect, but the effect they have is based on the public perception of what these things mean. When the Chancellor gives mixed messages, and forecasts of doom and gloom, this causes those problems, which in isolation don't present any grave danger, to be linked and amplified to the point where everyone believes there is a problem, so there is.
Ok, enough waffling, just this week to go, then 2 weeks off. I may need it!
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Alright, it was a damp and grey September morning. It still is. I forgot to put the dishwasher on last night. The third or fourth time in a ...
So, first things first, today's weight: 12 st 0.4 lb. Down around 4 lb from yesterday. Good start. Should hit 11 st x tomorrow, and 10 s...