Me, Steve, spouting off about stuff that interests me. Probably techie, but not necessarily. Linux and google are a favourite, but life and general weirdness can be expected too.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
R.E.M. @ Twickenham 30th August 2008 - Set List
2. These Days
3. The Wake-up Bomb
4. What's The Frequency Kenneth
5. Drive
6. Man Sized Wreath
7. Disturbance At The Heron House
8. Ignoreland
9. Walk Unafraid
10. Hollow Man
11. Fall On Me
12. Electrolite
13. The Great Beyond
14. I'm Gonna DJ
15. Exhuming McCarthy
16. The One I Love
17. I've Been High
18. Let Me In
19. Horse To Water
20. Bad Day
21. Orange Crush
22. Imitation of life
23. Supernatural Superserious
24. Losing My Religion
25. Perfect Circle
26. Country Feedback
27. It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)
28. Man On The Moon
Tonight my wife and I went to see R.E.M. live at Twickenham. We didn't have the greatest of seats, Twickenham doesn't have the best acoustics for a live gig, but it was great.
They mainly played older stuff, even a fair helping of the old I.R.S. days, covering the whole 30ish years they've been going. All the expected hits were there, and the obvious new tracks. Good use of video screens allowed even those of us stuck in allocated seating somewhere near the back corner to get a good show.
Having seen R.E.M. 3 times previously I had an idea of what to expect and they didn't disappoint. However, I've never sat down before at one of their gigs, so it was interesting to see things from a different perspective.
Speaking of a different perspective, my wife, not a fan, has never seen them before, so in a blog first, here's her opinion.
<Wife>not bad</wife>
So, there you have it. She has said that she would see them again too.
Now it's 00:10 and we're quite tired. Not that we're getting a bit old for this or anything.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Quiet week
Wednesday saw a day off (with 93 e-mails I wish I hadn't bothered) taken so I could accompany my wife and daughter to my little ones first measles injection. It was, most defintely, an anti-climax. She fell asleep on the way there, stopped crying after the injection by the time we got to the car, and was perfectly happy the rest of the day. Apparently the 'fun' can start in 1-3 weeks. Right when we're on holiday!
The rest of the day was spent doing not much. We found a B&B to stay in on the way up to our holiday so we can get the most out of our first day at Centre Parcs. Had a quick and easy tea; and watched a movie before bed. We were a bit knackered having stayed up the night before talking to a friend, and having been woken a couple of times with little one. The movie was 'Happy-Go-Lucky', and wasn't worth it.
We were woken early again by our daughter. Even though she was knackered she still seemed to want to be up at 06:16. We settled her a couple of times before giving up. I dressed and trundled off to work (the study) as tired as if I'd got up and gone to work.
Worked late last night. Why is it that when I work from home I start at the same time as if I'd gone to the office, but work far longer. The office finishes at 16:45 for me, working from home is at least 17:30, and usually past 18:00. Last night I logged off at 18:45.
The reason for working from home yesterday was to get my MOT done, which was sorted out easily enough, and means I can get my road tax sorted today before it runs out on Sunday.
This weekend promises to be a busy quiet one. No one visiting, but plenty of jobs to do in both the house and garden. Then, one more week before a fortnight off. Woot!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Back in the saddle
My parents popped down over the weekend on their way to France for a month and a half. They came over to ours Friday, we went to their caravan for lunch Saturday, then they were back at ours in the evening.
On Sunday my parents-in-law were celebrating their wedding anniversary and my Mother-in-laws birthday. The venue was over in Kent, so we were staying over. My parents were invited too, but they went back to their caravan that evening. From what I saw the party was fun and people seemed to be haing a good time. However, not long after 7 I headed upstairs with little one, put her to bed, and then read in another room with the baby monitor on for the rest of the evening. I swapped positions with my wife once, briefly, to say goodbye to my parents, and grab some cake.
Yesterday we packed up, and travelled home. A bit zonked, we unpacked and I had an easy afternoon reprogramming our universal remote to work properly with the new tele (and the amp we've had for over 2 years that I've just never got round to) (and the sky+ remote). Evening saw a healthy stir fry and bed.
We have one of my wife's old friends visiting this evening, and then I'm off tomorrow as my daughter is having her first measles jab. Hopefully she'll take it in her stride, and have no ill effects. At least the weekend is only 4 days away, and is free for once.
Friday, August 22, 2008
8 more hours...
Managed to get a seat too. I've got one on the tube now as well, so my feet are thankful.
Not much else to report on this one. Last night was just daughter time, cooking, and eating / battlestar galactica. My parents arrive at 16:00 today, so they'll be there when I get in. Both my wife and I are exhausted. I really hope we get some decent sleep this weekend. Unfortunately I doubt it'll be as good as it needs to be.
Oh well. One more work day. Several more meetings, and then home.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
What is it with Thursdays?
I think it's glorious. Shiny, new, beautifully clear picture. I may be alone in this view.
The connection out of the way, we finished tidying up and went to bed. Not bad timing, lights out at 11:10.
My daughter woke us at 02:20, investigation showed no probable cause, so she was settled and we returned to bed. 03:00 she was back. This time food was offered, a nappy change, some slightly lighter clothes, lots of cuddles, and a calming light show on the ceiling. Seemed to work, but at a cost of 50 minutes.
Strangely my alarm didn't wake me! I got up late, too late to get even the 07:30 train, so I'm an hour late at this point. I did get some paperwork done, and some stuff in the kitchen that's been hanging around since the weekend put away, so it wasn't a complete waste of time.
I have a few less meetings today, and a new person starting which should, eventually, take some of the burden off me.
Life, as always, continues. And the three day weekend gets ever closer.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Normal service is resumed
That's about normal, isn't it?
Spent too long sorting the phone out last night, so got very little else done. I had hoped to get fully up to date on the paperwork, but the in-tray remained untouched. I did manage to make the bed and do some ironing, but at the cost of going to sleep after midnight.
This morning was tough, hit snooze, then turned the alarm off all together and forgot to get up. Managed, somehow, to wake with enough time, just, to get dressed and get to the train. So I'm on time, but paying the price. Still, 3 day weekend approaching, and our holiday isn't too far away.
Another fun day awaits me. Time to put some perceptions right. Make sure I get credit for a large piece of work that someone else has gone and sold to the boss. They've sold the idea, but I've done all the work. Not happy. Don't know how to fix this one fully, but I'll at least make sure that my immediate peers know the truth.
Anyway, I'm in danger of ranting again; and the journey is almost over. Time to focus and get on with it.
On old, closed technology
The software they forced you to use had some badly written, buggy usb drivers that refused to recognose the phone, and a completely unhelpful UI that re-wrote, badly, the standard diagnostic tools.
In the end I had to put my sim card in the phone and e-mail all the photos to myself. Now I ave to go through each mail, select and download the photos, and collate them before I can do something sensible with them.
What, exactly, were they thinking when they decided to ignore the well defined, standard usb interface, and a normal file system that could be recognised by a normal OS in favour of the borked waste of space they force you to use?
Note for anyone looking it up, the default passcode on a Samsung E770 is 00000000.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Startled rabbits
Anyway, enough of that. The weekend. 'Twas good. Succinct enough? Ok, a bit more detail...
Three of our friends visited over the weekend. 2 blokes I've known since we were knee high to grasshoppers, and the fiancee of one of them whom we've known since they met. They arrived late on Friday, so after a quick drink (tea / water) we called it a day, and went to bed.
Saturday, with a forecast of rain, saw me wanting to BBQ. Good job it was a nice day! We went down to a local wooded playground for my daughter in the morning, and let her run off some energy. We'd gone through our usual stranger routine in the morning, (no eye contact, play with her toys) and the trust continued to grow at the park. When we got back the three of us men set about building the BBQ. Much primordial grunting ensued, and congratulations when we created fire! A couple of bottles of wine, many sausages, and a whole farms worth of chicken legs followed. in the evening we went to the pub and chatted about stuff. As always.
Sunday saw bacon sandwiches and a trip to another park. Ice creams in the sun followed a stroll around a lake. Little one got to play on the swings and have a snack. Once we got back we had a bolognaise and then they had to go.
A mad rush of shopping vacuuming and washing ensued, and by the time we went to bed we were pretty much sorted and ready for the week. (The last lot of washing was done yesterday, so it'll all be dry and put away by tonight).
We sat down in the evening and watched 'Son of Rambow'. A relaxing way to finish a pleasant weekend.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Quick one
I'm tired, but no more than usual. Rain through the night disturbed me, and I'm not 100% in the health department. Nothing worrying, just worn down malaise. A holiday will help. Luckily I have one of them coming up soon.
Work beckons. A slightly easier week (I hope) before a 3 day weekend. My parents are visiting, and we have a party for my wife's Mum's birthday, and her wedding anniversary. Should be busy!
I may write about the weekend later, but, as always when I say that, it'll probably be tomorrow.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Friday again. Already?
My daughter woke, crying, at about 01:20, and needed settling. 2 minutes of soothing and stroking sorted her out; my sleep pattern was shot.
An hour or so later my wife was talking to my daughter asking her to settle down. I sat up and patiently explained that our daughter was asleep in another room.
3 something saw a toilet call. A true sign I'm not sleeping well. I have to be really light to allow my body to wake me up (or for my body to even consider waking me up!)
Slightly later I had my, now common, breathing problems, so woke up and sucked on the inhaler.
Then the alarm went off.
Today sees a production issue with one of my systems, the usual scattering of meetings, and the need to create a couple of reports. Roll on tomorrow I say.
Public service announcement
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Thursday again
Thankfully, I only have numerous meetings, several deadlines, and countless responsibilities. So no worries there then.
Mental note to self: get more sleep.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
A marvellous tale
"The next train on platform 2 is formed of 8 carriages" announced the tannoy. "Fair enough" thought Steve as he strolled towards the opposite end of the platform 200 metres away. "The train now approaching platform 2..." Has only 4 carriages and has stopped 100 metres away. "Bugger" thought Steve as he hurried to the train.
A few minutes later the carriage was crammed as everyone from the final stop decided to get on at the same door, the easy door, the door that didn't involve any walking; even though they could get on quicker and have more space if they just walked 6 metres to the next door. Steve silently despaired and went back to reading the news and nightly e-mails.
In less than 5 minutes the train arrived at it's final destination and disgorged it's contents. Steve, due to superior positioning and readiness, was first off and away. Avoiding the crush behind him he made his way to the stairs, and over to the main platforms awaiting the fast trains to London. There would be 2 to choose from, however, Steve knew from previous scouting missions that only the 07:18 would have a buffet car. He awaited its arrival on platform 8.
Presently the leviathan arrived. Growling and straining the beast pulled up to the platform and opened it's doors. A few passengers disembarked, a large number entered. Steve knew the route well, and made his way to his familiar spot at the end of the serving bench. Settling in, he removed his glasses and engaged his blackberry. The last 12 hours of news and views around the world were viewed and processed. A few points were clarified with searches on the internet, but, in general, the next 27 minutes passed quickly and uneventfully.
In, what appeared to be, a short time the high speed train came to a halt at the terminus. Hundreds of people made their move to the exit. Steve, amongst 20 others exited the first class carriage near the front of the train and made his way to the ticket gates.
As he approached he removed his ticket wallet from his jacket and prepared to present it's contents to the inspector. A mere formality, Steve was waived through and, returning the ticket to his pocket, made his way across the concourse to the steps into the underground.
Having passed through the next checkpoint and made his way through a myriad of twisting passageways and lengthy elevators he came to his preferred spot on the platform. A few seconds later the tube train arrived, Steve entered, took up his usual spot at the opposite doors, removed his blackberry, and started to compose a blog entry...
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
It was a dark and stormy night...
At my interchange there is a train waiting. Great, I'll only have lost 2 minutes. As I approach, the announcement goes out to inform us the train is bust and no longer for public use. Everyone gets off. The next train arrives 7 minutes later; I didn't even contemplate getting on it. I get the next one. Now 13 minutes late.
Slow running to Paddington gets me here a further 7 minutes late, but at least I'm on my way. Did I mention I was busy this morning and could have done with every second. I have a course all morning ('Presenting with Impact'), but sent out a couple of Management reports last night. (Late last night. Sorry honey (Side note, I have the best, most understanding wife ever!)) I could really have done with 25 minutes to check things over before I sit in a classroom all morning. Oh well, they'd better be right!
Not much on the news front, got home, put little one down, produced reports, ate, bed. It's an exciting life!
The Jubilee line rolls on, and another day at work beckons.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Back to the daily grind
In the morning I took her to 'Whoosh', a soft pay area for younger kids. We played for ages on a bouncy castle, and climbed, crawled, and slid our way around the rest of the place. After some food and drink, we went home to some more food and drink, then I took her upstairs. By the time I'd changed her she was pointing at the bed and making 'wanting' noises. She went straight to sleep! She was completely out of it when my wife popped home to give me a hand putting her down.
I got her up a couple of hours later, and we went into town. I had a look for a top for my wife, and a t-shirt for me, but no luck. I got some felt tips for my daughter. We then went and got some new inserts for me to try and correct my feet problems. These ones lift my big toe instead of rolling my heel. Finally we got some champagne and chocolate for my wife (just the essentials), and went home. She was in bed 45 minutes early.
Saturday saw us popping to Reading. Still no luck on the top and t-shirt front. An early nap for my daughter (still tired from the day before, and she had woken at 06:30 for some reason). In the afternoon my wife and I took turns at different supermarkets, and we played with little one too. Another early bed, we actually managed to see a movie 2 nights in a row!
Sunday morning we were up early again, and straight out. We went to a wooded play area called 'The Lookout' where babe swung, and spun, and toddled her way to tiredness. She was down for a nap outstandingly early. I took the opportunity to try and get a couple of things from Toys 'r' us and Argos, but was frustrated by both. Then five items from the supermarket too me to 3 supermarkets! (and one of the items was wrong after all that!)
Sunday afternoon I cooked a dinner (after my fantastic wife prepared all the veg whilst I was out) which we ate as a family, started building my BBQ, played with my daughter, bathed her, and got her down 40 minutes early. We took the chance to get out in the garden in the early evening and get an acer re-potted, followed by a clean up in the kitchen, a episode of Battlestar Gallactica, and bed.
Now a full, busy week stretches out in front of me. We've got some friends popping down at the end of it though, so something to look forward to. Reports and meetings this morning. Joy.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
A tired man writes...
My second sports massage seemed to go well, I could feel the muscles loosening up as the massage continued. I then went home got changed and went to see Batman.
The film was good, if a bit too dark in my opinion for a 12A rating, but slightly too long.
As I got up to leave my feet and ankles refused to work properly, not hurting per se, just unwilling to bend. Things had eased up enough by the time we got to the car.
This morning, my left foot hurts. With or without weight on it, the back of my arch is hurting.
I'm off work tomorrow. It's my wife's birthday, so I'm spending quality time with Baba whilst Mama has a well deserved, relaxing spa day. I'll phone my chiropodist today and see if I can pop in tomorrow and pick up the orthotics she was supposed to be getting to me weeks ago.
The first weekend of BBQ ownership approaches, but the weather looks typically grim, so it may just get assembled, and not actually used.
It should be an easier weekend on the whole. The main jobs are ticked off, and whilst there are always things to do, hopefully jobs won't be the focus of the weekend.
Off to another busy one.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Wednesday hits again, but I'm already over the hump
News today reports that China have banned the waving of flags from nations not represented at the Olympics. That'll stop the Scottish supporting Andy Murray as anything other than British! It'll also stop anyone waving a Tibetan flag (the actual purpose of the ruling). I'm waiting for the moment during these games where China is suddenly embarrassed into doing something rash. Something with global repercussions. They're not used to global scrutiny, and they're used to getting their way. An interesting combination.
I've got a seat this morning on the tube. In a carriage with only 6 people standing. The temperature is almost pleasant! We arrive at Waterloo in a minute though, so all that will change.
My blackberry is semi behaving itself now. If I reboot it of a morning all the buttons work. If I don't, it starts playing up again overnight. I can get a new one in December, so I just need to persevere until then.
Wow, we emptied the platform at Waterloo, no one was left waiting, and we're still not even close to full. I guess everyone's gone on holiday.
I'm just waffling now, so time to sign off. Going to see Batman tonight, that'll be good. Other than that, one more journey to work to go this week.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
In the interests of fairness, my wife did lots too, most of which she did whilst looking after our daughter. She's great.
Happy now babe? (I'll be in trouble now for sure)
Other than that you can blame me for the weather. Our BBQ was delivered yesterday. It hasn't stopped raining since. In fact, it started drizzling the second I completed the payment.
What else. Hmm. Last night consisted of putting little one down, sorting and cleaning the kitchen, dismantling the gazebo, chasing down slugs, and doing the ironing. My wife went to the cinema and say 'Mamma Mia' for the third time. (I'm definitely in trouble now ;) )
The busy days continue. Many meetings today, and a number of reports and responses to make. Maybe if they made hours 100 minutes long...
Monday, August 04, 2008
Productivity and reward
I managed what must be the ultimate payback from those loyalty systems this weekend. I walked into Argos, gave the teller the number for a forty inch full HD TV, handed over my nectar card and that was that. Brand new telly, delivered in under 21 days, no money down, none to pay. I now have enough on my card to buy a sandwich. Maybe.
We were in Guildford at the time looking for some paints for my daughter's play house, (The selection of paints for exterior use in B and Q seems to extend to red, blue and white) and came away with a few samples.
The afternoon of Saturday was a pleasant time of cleaning the bathroom, tidying up, and sorting things out.
Yesterday we went to a local woodland based activity centre where my daughter got a chance to climb, swing and spin before we went for a pleasant, if short, walk in the woods in the drizzle. Little one fell asleep on the way home, and was down and in her cot for midday. Unheard of.
As soon as we got back I loaded the car up for the tip and got rid of a load of stuff that's been cluttering up the garage. A quick food shop on the way home was followed with a full vacuum of the car. My wife is out tonight watching 'Mamma Mia' for the third time(!), and is doing the driving, so at least she won't be ashamed of the state of the car.
The rest of the day was paperwork. A huge pile of stuff was sorted, filed, and dealt with. I now have a large pile of things in my pocket that need paying in, or sending off. My inbox, however, is empty.
Now, if only my e-mail inbox at work was the same.
Relaxation last night as we near the end of season 2 of Battlestar Galactica was followed by some watering (pots only, the rest of the garden was wet enough), and bed.
Short week this week as I have Friday off, some busy days in between though.
Friday, August 01, 2008
Egg meet face
I updated the OS on my blackberry a couple of days ago in an attempt to fix my trackball issues (it didn't), and one of the fallouts from that was the removal of all my account details from the various apps on the handset. So over the last couple of days I've been putting everything back. Last night was the turn of my sync software.
As I've gone into previously I have a convoluted system for keeping my calendars in sync between work, google, and the blackberry. The crux of this solution is the sync software on the blackberry. I looked up and re-input my account details for the sync, and hit go. I only expected a couple of updates as I hadn't been out for too long, and I hadn't had that many meeting invites.
What actually happened was a large number of existing meetings somehow got hijacked by my handset, it gave ownership of other peoples meetings to my gmail account, and then sent them invites to their own meetings. In some cases it invited all the invitees too!
The first thing I knew about it was the twenty off out of office replies my gmail account got. The next was the head of IT Production declining his own meeting from two days ago with a puzzled comment.
I feel today could be fun.
In other news, it's Friday, I'm tired, the weekend begins in a few hours. There are many jobs to do. Woo.
Anyone know where I can find a nice big hole to open up beneath me and swallow me up?
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Alright, it was a damp and grey September morning. It still is. I forgot to put the dishwasher on last night. The third or fourth time in a ...
So, first things first, today's weight: 12 st 0.4 lb. Down around 4 lb from yesterday. Good start. Should hit 11 st x tomorrow, and 10 s...