Thursday, February 24, 2011

Nurse Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Wheezing and Love the Inhaler

Almost 4 weeks ago my wife and I went to see Apassionata at the O2. Although it was a fantastic show, it also caused my to have a major asthma attack requiring inhaled salbutamol and oxygen. (In asthma terms, anything that straps a mask to your face and makes you inhale medicine and oxygen is bad!) Horses and me just don't mix!

In my defence I though a huge open space, and no close contact wouldn't really affect me. I was wrong! Lesson learned.

Since then I've struggled to exercise. I had no real issues in the gym; but as soon as I stepped outside I'd get about a mile and my lungs would shrink to the size of a six year old's (not really, but use allow the analogy), and I'd be forced to walk home or call my wife for a pick up.

I replaced my Ventolin 100 inhaler (a blue pump that stops the symptoms of asthma) as my previous one had expired in 2005! (I don't have many problems with asthma these days. Well, until recently!) However, stopping the symptoms wasn't enough.

A couple of weeks ago I went out on a beautiful, warm day; got about a mile or so, collapsed in a wheezing heap, and decided something needed to be done.

I visited my local asthma nurse last Tuesday and she prescribed me Cleni Modulite 200. This is a brown pump that contains a strong dose of steroid. 

She prescribed me 2 doses twice a day. This is a lot.

I don't like taking medicine. I rarely take anything more powerful than a paracetamol and even then only rarely. The idea of taking a steroid (and a strong one at that) didn't appeal. However, it was in my best interests. So, from last Tuesday I've took 2 doses, morning and night.

I was going to wait until this weekend to go out for a run, but the weather was so good today, and things have been so bleak recently, that I decided to go for it.

6.2 miles later I have no breathing problems, and I was only 30 seconds off my pace over the distance. You could say I'm happy!

Fitness was a bit of an issue, I have niggling problem with my right shoulder from when I dislocated it years ago kayaking, and it aches when I exercise and I'm not fully fit. That hurt today; twice. I also doubt I could have comfortably run much further. However, for a first run in about 4 weeks (not including some gym sessions, but they always feel different anyway) that's not bad.

Weather permitting I'll be out again Sunday. The countdown to my first half marathon in May is back on!

Top Tracks of 2012

Well, it's that time of year. Once again I can abuse my html knowledge and shove a few YouTube videos into a blog post to illustrate wha...